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How do I sprout the barley?

Sprouting barley is a fun and simple way to bolster your flock’s diet and add variety. We suggest the following items (but feel free to get creative!):

  • Organic whole barley
  • Quart-size jar w/lid
  • Sprouting screen or cheesecloth fitted for jar
  • Fresh, non-chlorinated water


  • Step 1: Fill the jar 1/3 full with grains, cover the grain with water, screw on the lid, and let soak for 24 hours.
  • Step 2: Drain water, replace lid with screen or cheesecloth, and invert jar to ensure grains do not sit in water. Keep at room temperature for best results.
  • Step 3: Rinse grains twice a day with fresh water and drain. Rest the jar horizontally after each rinse (grains lying on their side).
  • Step 4: Sprout tails typically begin within 24-48 hours. Refrigerate sprouts once at desired length – up to 2″.
  • Step 5: Repeat the process to keep the sprouted barley party going!

Check out our full Sprouting Guide here!




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